(scroll down for English version)
香港生活繁榮,港人自小享有十二年免費教育。香港學生對讀書習以為常,然而放眼世界,學習的機會並非理所當然。在地球的另一端,不少發展中國家的小孩自幼需要工作,上學對他們來說儼如奢侈品 。
萬世師表孔子曾言︰「有教無類」,提倡不論出身,凡生而為人都應該擁有接受教育的機會。愛必思教育科技集團有限公司行政總裁蘇志康Alexander So體現出這句話的真諦,他所創辦的愛必思致力發展成一家線上教育資源中心,「我們相信教育並非特權,而是一種權利。通過互聯網,我們希望能有機會為有需要的兒童提供優良的教學資源,並讓他們可以瞭解自己,繼而發揮所長。」
斐濟義工經驗 點亮創業前路

一站式線上教育資源中心 讓夢想飛翔
Resume Page︰事業起步點
有鑑及此,愛必思近年在服務上更進一步,創立求職服務平台Resume Page。平台主要提供三種服務︰協作履歷表﹑深入調研申請職位的要求,以及為求職者進行面試準備。「與坊間其他公司不一樣,我們不但收費相宜,而且整個服務按步就班,讓畢業生逐步建立信心。」Alexander補充道︰「我們對超過26個行業,300多家公司進行過深入的調研,豐富的資源庫確保我們可以解答到畢業生的疑問。」

把握疫市機遇 發揮教育科技優勢
面對大好潮流,愛必思不甘後人,乘流而上。愛必思現時目標是是設計一套完善的神經網絡演算法,Alexander指構思靈感源自現代醫療︰「現代醫學中的個人化醫療就是按照患者的DNA而訂製合適的藥品,由此推演,我們認為教育方案也可以客製化。」互聯網資訊碎片化,學生要從中挑出合適的資源,不但困難,而且低效。然而,Alexander表示透過不同測評,測試者可以了解到的自己的能力,繼而訂立出合適的教育方案。「我們將會推出一個能力評估系統,當中包括SHL Practice﹑Saville Test和能力傾向測試等等,甚至僱主和專業人士也能對學生或僱員進行評估。通過這個系統,我們相信能發掘出學生和求職者的所有潛能。」

Advocate Equal Education Opportunities. Help Children Build A Bright Future — An Interview With Alexander So, CEO Of ABC EdTech Group Limited
Life in Hong Kong is so prosperous that Hong Kong children enjoy 12 years of free education. Hong Kong students are accustomed to school life, so they may not know how precious the opportunity is. On the other side of the world, many children in developing countries have worked since childhood, whereas a school life is a luxury for them.
Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher, once said: “In teaching, there should be no distinction of classes.” He advocated that no matter one’s background, everyone should have the opportunity to receive education. Alexander So, CEO of ABC EdTech Group Limited, reflects the true meaning of this saying. The ABC EdTech Group that he founded is committed to developing into an online education resource centre. “At ABC, we believe that education is a right instead of a privilege, and we believe that through the use of the internet, we will be able to reach children in areas that were not previously as accessible. Our mission is to give children, students and graduates access to the best resources available, allowing them to understand themselves and make full use of their talents.”
Volunteer Experience In Fiji Lights Up The Way Forward For Entrepreneurship
Alexander set up a company when he was only seventeen years old. His aspiration was established in his youth. “In 2015, I had the privilege to travel to Fiji as a volunteer to help build schools and teach English and Math to underprivileged children.” This experience shook Alexander’s heart. He realized that happiness is not inevitable, and not all children can enjoy educational opportunities. “By seeing what life was like outside my own walls, and further introspection into my own upbringing, I decided to forge a career path for myself that focused on increasing the accessibility of education and career-related information so that parents and children can co-explore academic and professional career options that best serve them.”
ABC’s business scope has now expanded to 25 countries, including Israel, Uruguay, Spain and Turkey. The team consists of illustrators, teachers, psychologists and university students. “Our team members come from diverse professional backgrounds who have given up high-paying jobs for the sake of a grand vision. I am convinced that with our expertise and passion, we can develop into a sustainable institution that contributes to educational equality.”
One-Stop Online Education Resource Centre Lets Dreams Fly
Intergenerational poverty is a deeply rooted social issue on a global scale. Alexander pointed out that many children from low-income families lack educational resources, and since their parents had no formal education they cannot guide their children to study at home, resulting in low upward mobility of children. Undoubtedly, knowledge is the key to solving the problem. ABC helps students build a solid academic foundation by providing comprehensive and affordable teaching resources.
ABC has a variety of educational products, including offering books, homework worksheets, exam prep, psychometric testing, online mentorship, and online resume creation. E-books are one of their bestsellers, and Alexander shows us one of them: ” ‘Miss Avocado’ introduces children to the fruit in an easy-to-understand way, including where it comes from and its benefits. The book is in Chinese and English. It also contains beautiful illustrations. Children like it a lot.”
Resume Page: Get Started With Your Career
While education is a stepping stone on the social ladder, a good degree can undoubtedly help job seekers find an ideal job. Unfortunately, many graduates often come up against brick walls when applying for jobs due to their lack of experience. “Many students lacked the research and soft skills to prepare for and successfully land careers of their choice. Many students are ill-prepared for job applications and do not have access to quality resources that guide them through the process at their tertiary institution and online.”
In view of this, ABC has extended its service in recent years to create Resume Page, a careers service website which provides three main services: resume building; research on jobs, companies, and industries; and job interview preparation.
“Unlike competitors, Resume Page is priced significantly lower and guides students every step of the way, from conducting research, to creating a resume and cover letter, to finally, attending interviews and passing them.” Alexander added: “Our extensive research on industries, companies, and job roles (26 industries and 300+ companies) ensure students can explore what careers interest them most and envision how they would fit in.”
Seize The Opportunity Play Strength Of Education Technology
It has been more than two years since the outbreak of the epidemic, forcing the public to switch from face-to-face teaching to online teaching. Online teaching has become the new normal, bringing new opportunities for related industries. “The majority are waking up to the inflexibility of current education systems and are exploring alternative education methods. Hence, educational technology is getting attention now.” The increased awareness of EdTech has led to many technological and pedagogical advancements. Benefiting from this, ABC decisively seized the business opportunities under the epidemic: “Education technology is gradually becoming more and more important, we can be able to conduct market research better, identify customer strongholds, and garner significantly more investment and media traction.”
With the general trend, ABC seizes the opportunity. ABC’s future goal is to design a neural network algorithm. Alexander pointed out that the inspiration for the idea came from modern medicine: “Like personalized medicine, where treatments are created based on the patient’s DNA, according to this train of thought, we believe that the educational program can also be customized.” Internet information is fragmented, and it is difficult and inefficient for students to find suitable resources. However, Alexander said that through psychometric, multimodal, and competency data, people can learn about their abilities, and then develop an appropriate educational program. “We will launch an ability assessment system, including SHL Practice, Saville Test and Aptitude Test, etc. Employers and professionals can also assess students or employees through this system. We believe that we can draw out the full potential of students and job seekers.”