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HomeHealth專業團隊照顧全面需要 無可比擬的健身服務

專業團隊照顧全面需要 無可比擬的健身服務

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Pinnacle Performance創辦人Tom Summers及Matt Jacob在2013年偶然來港公幹時,赫然發現本港的模式未能真正照顧健身人士的需要,二人遂合伙開辦Pinnacle Performance,結合Tom多年的體適能訓練及調節經驗、和Matt工商管理的背景,以統一月費的形式,為香港提供針對個人、一站式健康、體型管理及運動表現提升的服務。

Tom Summers(左)、Matt Jacob(右)

專業教練 定制專屬個人目標

Tom和Matt創辦Pinnacle Performance,定意開創一種與別不同的營運模式:相較一般健身中心,Pinnacle選擇以月費形式,為客戶提供最無微不至的體適能訓練服務。負責統籌訓練的Tom表示:「我們的服務都是非常個人化的,第一次進行課堂時,我們會先為每個人制定訓練目標,繼而提供最度身訂造的訓練餐單。」


因此,於Pinnacle Performance任教的教練,每一位都具備深厚的體能訓練知識和豐富經驗,能夠為每一位學員制定最為切合其需要的訓練日程。以Tom為例,他曾服務英國女子足球協會、津巴布韋國家板球隊、英國運動學院(English Institute of Sport)等大型機構,在國際上為大量精英運動員提供體能、強度及表現訓練。除了運動及體能訓練,Pinnacle的教練團隊更加能提供營養及飲食建議,助客人在健身路上事半功倍。

一個月費 無限服務

Pinnacle Performance和坊間一般健身中心的最大分別,在於模式的不同:客人支付統一月費,就可以無限次數使用健身設備,而且每位客戶均會獲派一名專屬教練,幫助他們設立目標,並會恆常檢視進度。Standard會員實行小班教學,小組每次只會有4至6位學員上課,確保健身教練能夠給予最充分的照顧。Black Tier會員可以享用真正一對一健身訓練過程,教練和學員關係緊密,設定最為恰當的目標和進度表,適合要求高彈性訓練的人士。有鑑新型冠狀病毒,Pinnacle亦新增Online會員制度,把小班教學遷移到網上,透過視訊會議,每位學員同樣地都會獲專屬教練照料,設定和跟進目標,尤其受隔離人士、因疫情未能回港或不想出門以保護家人的學員。

教練學員關係密切 營養、飲食通通在行



A Fitness Centre Of Unconventional Scope And Service – Tom Summers And Matt Jacob Of Pinnacle Performance

When it comes to improving one’s health, shaping one’s physique, or enhancing sports performance, having a professional trainer should always be of some assistance. Concerns over health have drastically increased in Hong Kong in recent years, as evidenced by the vast presence of gyms over the city. Most fitness centres work on a ‘membership’ model where upon joining members are free to choose courses such as personal training, yoga, aerobics and many more. While this mode warrants freedom to some extent, it nonetheless may not answer the true needs of our bodies.

When Tom Summers and Matt Jacob visited Hong Kong for a business trip in 2013, they found that the generic gyms could not attend to the true needs of those who are health-conscious, and thus founded Pinnacle Performance. Combining Tom’s rich experience as a strength and conditioning coach and Matt’s background in business and economics, Pinnacle strives to offer individually oriented, one-stop fitness, health and well-being services via its unique subscription model.

Professional coaches to help set personal targets

Tom and Matt are determined to establish an innovative model of operation: with a subscription mode, Pinnacle is able to provide training to suit needs in the most minute details. “Our services are always personalised. At the first meeting, our coach will first get to know the client regarding their body conditions, help them set goals and compile a professional training schedule,” says Tom, who is in charge of strength training.

While the average goal of people going to the gym may be “to lose some weights” or “to get stronger”, coaches at Pinnacle do need clearer ones. “Whether one may want to gain some mass, to be firmer, to have no sports experience, to demand high-intensity training, to train specific muscle groups to handle a specific sports item, all these factors will drastically alter the direction of their training programme.” Once there was a client who was injured and required special care, and was equally taken care of by Pinnacle’s coach.

Each and every training staff is well-versed in strength and conditioning, and is able to design training programmes which best suit clients’ needs. For instance, Tom has served at England Women’s Football Association, Zimbabwe National Cricket Team and the English Institute of Sports to provide training and support for international elite athletes. In addition, Pinnacle coaches can also provide diet and nutritional advice to help clients attain health in enhanced efficiency.

A unique subscription mode with individualised flexibility

The greatest difference between Pinnacle Performance and the average fitness lies in its operational mode: with a one-includes-all subscription fee, clients are entitled to unlimited use of its facility, and are assigned a lead coach to help set goals and regularly monitor progress. Standard members take class in small groups of 4 to 6, to ensure each student is attended to. Black Tier members can enjoy 1-to-1 training where the coach closely follows the progress to make fine adjustments to the programme, making it the best solution to those who require greatest flexibility. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pinnacle is also experimenting with a new Online subscription mode where classes take place over video conferencing and similarly each is assigned a lead coach for following up progress. This mode is specially designed for those in quarantine, who are always on the move, or who do not wish to leave home to protect their families.

An intimate community of more than fitness

Apart from an innovative operational mode, Pinnacle is keen on establishing intimate relationships with clients. Matt, in charge of business development, remarks that coaches are encouraged to communicate with their students. “Communications are not limited to classes. We welcome questions on fitness, diet and nutrition over texts and voice messages. We think that on the path of fitness, relationships ought to be mutual.” As such, Pinnacle has been successful in forming a close community.

For Matt, Pinnacle’s philosophy not only offers the most attentive care and knowledge to any fitness seeker, but also benefits the personal development of its coaches. With the subscription model, coaches no longer need to trace monetary targets. With no competition between coaches, they can share with each other training tips and programmes when handling different students. Tom and Matt has also set up a coaching academy to guide their coaches how to develop their personal careers in a more humanistic and long-term way.


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