Culture4Good Consulting Limited創辦人John是經驗豐富的文化建築師,他概括這份職責:「我們立場中立,沒有既得利益,單純想讓大家透過文化轉型之旅(Culture Transformation Journey)尋找到屬於公司的語言和文化,為企業建立持續對話及勇於嘗試的可持續發展文化。從一系列工作坊中,團隊找到共通語言去排解疑難。大家並肩作出各種嘗試,發掘團隊及個人的潛能,尋找公司能夠發展的空間,從而開拓一些新的可能性,一同尋找解決方案。」
「解決眼前難題是最基本的第一步,最終目標是種下成長的種子,將企業文化轉變為可持續發展的環境、社會和管治(ESG)文化。」John續說:「懷著這個理想,歷經數個月蘊釀後,我成立了文化轉型諮詢公司Culture4Good,構思出標誌性的『文化轉型之旅(Culture Transformation Journey)』,同時亦提供策略規劃(Strategic Planning)、高管培訓(Executive Coaching)、管理診室(Management Clinic)等諮詢服務。」

從團隊內部出發 共同反思解決方案
或許有人會以為文化轉型即是引入外來概念,淡化公司現有文化,甚至兩者之間有衝突。不過在Culture4Good看來,大多數高管純粹是忽略了一些他們早已知道的事情、未有完全發掘同事的潛能和優點。因此Culture4Good的文化轉型旅程從團隊內部出發,針對團隊現有問題,共同反思解決方案,思考有哪些事情是自內部可以改善的,而非強逼同事接受一套嶄新概念。同事調整心態,從舒適圈(Comfort Zone)延伸至學習區(Stretch Zone),踏出改變的第一步。整個團隊持續反思,培養出有利於公司發展的個人及團隊行為,高管便可以自內部創造快樂、共同成長的持續發展企業文化。

Building a Sustainable Culture: Developing Resonance from Within
John Lee, Founder and Chief Culture Architect of Culture4Good Consulting Limited is a dynamic and results-driven senior industry professional with over 17 years of insightful experience across diverse sectors focusing on culture transformation consulting and customer experience management.
During his past management consulting work in leadership development and corporate sustainability, he came across quite a few executive leaders and board of directors, who were struggling to transform their company culture to cope with the fluctuating and volatile business environment, especially during the global pandemic. Despite the desperate need to change, most of their schedules were flooded by business operations and tight on financial resources.
As John’s desire to help these frustrated business leaders grew over time, he departed from his previous consultancy to rethink a more streamlined reflective journey for inspiring executives and management teams to resolve burning business/team issues together and improve corporate governance; eventually seeding the crucial elements to transform the company culture towards a sustainable environmental, social and governance (ESG) culture.
Soon after months of incubation, his culture transformation consulting social business —Culture4Good, was established alongside with their signature Culture Transformation Journey, and a wide range of other consulting services including strategic planning, executive coaching, management clinic, etc.
Concept of cultural transformation: continual process of nurturing new individual and team behaviors that sustains the business
Company culture can be regarded as how decisions are being made by people who work under the same umbrella and every department/team has their own unique culture when comprising of different group dynamics. As staff learn to consciously make individual and team decisions differently for the company’s greater good, corporate culture thus gradually transforms towards a sustainable future and have the potential to grow beyond generations.
Like driving other people and culture change in management for corporate sustainability, one of the most common challenges is being easily mis-interpreted as introducing foreign concepts to dilute or even clash with the company’s existing culture. This may be true to a certain extent for other external consulting work, but at Culture4Good, they believe most executives purely “don’t know what they already know”. Therefore, Culture Transformation Journey is positioned as a co-reflective journey of identifying what works for the company from within. Through this continual process of nurturing new individual and team behaviors that sustains the business, a fast-growth and happy workplace culture can be uniquely crafted internally by its own management team.
Inspire executives embarking on insightful reflective journey together
A client worth highlighting was a board of directors from a church & community centre operating charity organization. Last year’s shocking child abuse scandal of Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children (HKSPC) was certainly a “wake-up call” for many NGOs to reinforce their board’s corporate governance. This client was no different and approached Culture4Good to re-strategize their internal organizational structure for greater transparency and uphold the high public expectations, especially in terms of serving the underprivileged community.
Despite the strategic planning workshop was disrupted by 5th wave of pandemic and last-minute migrated the entire delivery to online, discussions remained deep and constructive with not much compromise in the overall experience. In fact, the board of directors were quite surprised with the amount of quality output and concrete quick wins through the gap analysis. In addition, sub-teams were still able to revisit the co-created output through our confidential online platform anytime, for internal follow-up as part of the governance structure review exercise.
Dedicated effort channeled by word-of-mouth
Looking back into Culture4Good’s founding year, they believe brand advocacy may be one of their current top-of-mind challenges. Given the non-disclosure nature in their B2B consulting work with most of their clients, months of their dedicated effort are usually passively channeled by word-of-mouth and post-service reviews across their social media channels at the moment.
Moreover, since most of their uniquely crafted culture transformation experiences may only be relevant and beneficial to each of their client’s own corporate sustainability, other executive leaders may sometimes find it rather difficult to match Culture4Good’s value proposition with their business needs for management consulting.
Graduating towards Year 2, Culture4Good believe ensuring quality output of their tailored consulting experience and being attentive to each of their valuable customer’s needs in tackling their unique set of business/team challenges shall remain as their top priority.
In fact, after being incentivized by the global pandemic to evolve their service delivery for remote teams, Culture4Good are also aiming to extend our culture transformation consulting services to assist overseas executives, who are in desperate need to identify possible next steps in resolving burning business/team issues for good and are open to online delivery as a viable option.