不過,要真正實踐數碼轉型並非紙上談兵之事,由概念構思、尋找痛點,到落實數碼系統和雲端方案,專業而深入的幫助必不可缺。全方案企業顧問公司GrowthOps以「客戶的成長夥伴」為定位,香港區總經理兼亞洲區域科技總監于文龍(Eric Yu)指出,GrowthOps和一般顧問公司有別,除了提供具深度的顧問服務外,公司更具備專業資訊科技團隊,有能力為客戶編寫前後台系統、以至端到端雲端處理方案,真正達到全方位服務。
由諮詢和實施到支持和維護 以人為本的全面服務
GrowthOps作為客戶的成長夥伴,一直以「以人為本」(people-based)為營運方針,通過透徹的諮詢模式(consultative approach),為眾多客戶解決業務上裡裡外外的痛點。
世界潮流已經非常明確,誇張一點的話,可說近乎是「逼使」公司趕上數碼之路,不論是任何形式的企業,如果不考慮業務數碼化,在21世紀將會難以生存。既然數碼浪潮如此勢不可擋,引向成功的關鍵又會是什麼?Eric認為,在於「用者經驗」一詞。這邊所指的用者不僅僅涉及GrowthOps的客戶使用系統時所應感受的便利,更應涵蓋這些客戶的終端用戶(end user)。

成長夥伴 Growth Partner
Digital Transformation Partner To Provide Fully Fledged User Experiences – An Interview With Eric Yu, General Manager (Hong Kong) And Regional Practice Lead (Asia Technology), GrowthOps
Digital transformation is no strange words to businesses. Willing or not, digital transformation has become the trend of the world, one thing that companies must consider in order not to be fall behind.
However, to realise such transformation is always easier said than done, even more so without the professional and thorough help on such matters as conceptualisation, locating the pain point, and implementing digital and cloud solutions. Eric Yu, General Manager (Hong Kong) and Regional Practice Lead (Asia Technology) of GrowthOps which positions itself as clients’ “growth partner”, says that the company works very different from the conventional consultant, in that in addition to in-depth, thorough consultation services, GrowthOps is also capable of materialising front- and back-ends, cloud transformation and other solutions to deliver all-round services in its truest sense.
People-Based Services
As a “growth partner” GrowthOps is a people-based company which adopts a consultative approach to help solve problems raised by their clients. It sets to provide end-to-end services to help clients navigate through the digital age.
Procedurally, GrowthOps first conducts a thorough business consultation session and looks into companies’ operational, technological and digital pain points. After targeting clients’ needs, it moves on to establishing corresponding technical solutions, which, according to Eric, could take many formats such as websites, applications, mobile experiences, and front- and back-ends. The team also makes sure sufficient training is provided to deliver a seamless transition. Last but not least, GrowthOps can also help facilitate all sorts of cloud transformation to provide even better ROI.
User Experience Is Key To Digital Transformation
The world’s tendency is so clear that it is even reasonably sensible to say businesses are now forced to undergo digital transformation lest they fail to survive in the 21st century. In Eric’s view, the key to coping with this inevitability and successfully conducting transformation is to pay attention to user experience; which includes, as Eric emphasises, not only their direct clients, but also the end users within their clients.
For example, GrowthOps has once assisted a young insurance company which markets itself as a provider of innovative insurance tech to design its website, user interface, systems and cloud strategies so that end users would find insurance application a smooth and convenient experience.
Another example concerns a historical, multinational bank, for which the GrowthOps team pays extra attention to the initial consultation session in order to analyse existing workflows, and locate gaps between current operations and the world trend. According to Eric, GrowthOps’ help in constructing digital platforms and establishing digitalised workflows vastly smoothens internal communications which used to be paper-based, complex and at times bureaucratic. Eventually, in addition to saving significant operating costs, end users would be subject to enhanced, polished banking services as well.
Digital transformation, in Eric’s perspective, is never a snap on the fingers and not an external entity to replace old modes. Instead, it is a value-adding mechanism, where value is always centered on humans. As such, GrowthOps’ all-round, end-to-end services at every stage are always people-based and created to offer a considerate, humane digital experience for both internal and external users and thus raise clients’ strengths.
Partnering Your Growth
While the majority of GrowthOps’ clients come from finance and insurance, the company is also planning to expand their services to cover a range of industries including hotel and hospitality, retail, FMCG, and healthcare. Expansion is not limited to coverage but also geographical and operational capabilities. The company now has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, and various locations in Australia and New Zealand to help clients across APAC curate even better user experience. Apart from digital transformation solutions, corporate training and marketing services are also available to become clients’ true growth partner from a multifaceted perspective.